Friday, April 3, 2015

Salty Tolerance and Uptown Passover

Happy Friday and Holiday Weekend. Sorry for the glare again.  That is the one drawback to a wall of windows.  But here is Salty Tolerance by Eko Nugroho finally  up on the dining area wall.  I just love how the colors pop out from the Weimaraner and brighten the space.  There is so much going on in the headdress portion of the image that we are still trying to figure it out, so a nice mental challenge as well.  Remember that the prints from the IKEA Art Event 2015 are limited edition (and extremely nice quality I might add), so go now to your local IKEA if you want to bring one of these beauties home.

On a completely different subject, Happy Passover to all you members of the Tribe out there.  And even if you are not Jewish, you should be able to appreciate this hilarious adaptation of Mark Ronson's Uptown Funk for the holiday.

And for those of you who want to go more old school, here is what Six13 put together in 2013

For the Easter set (we celebrate both traditions in our family) I plan on decorating some eggs with my son, and if all goes well I will post the results this weekend.

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